What is Loop?

Loop is a ‘circular packaging solution’ launched in 2019 by recycling experts Terracycle.

By teaming up with major brands and retailers around the world, Loop makes it possible to buy popular grocery products in eco-friendly, reusable packaging!

Loop makes popular brands available in beautiful reusable packaging! Source.

The service is already available online in the US, the UK, and France, and is set to launch in Canada, Japan, Australia, and Germany in 2021.

But how does it work? 

How Does Loop Work?

Loop offers an online platform where you can purchase grocery products in reusable packaging. Everything from toiletries, to cleaning products, to ice cream and pasta is available, with big brands like Pantene, Coca Cola, Danone and Heinz already on board.

The process works like this:

  1. When you order your groceries through the Loop platform, you pay a one-time, 100% refundable deposit which allows you to ‘borrow’ the packaging. This deposit is paid back to you every time you return the packaging. 
  2. Your groceries are delivered to your door in a reusable Loop ‘tote,’ which contains all your chosen items in their reusable containers.
  3. Once you’re done with your items, you just place the empty containers back in the Loop tote, and schedule a free pickup from your       home. Loop will then collect the reusable containers and professionally clean them, ready to be used again!

When you order from Loop, your items are delivered in a reusable Loop ‘tote,’ which is pictured above. Source.

Coming to a Store Near You 

In December 2020 Loop was launched in-store for the first time in two Carrefour stores in Paris, and there are plans to install in-store Loop ‘corners’ in Kroger and Walgreens stores in the US, Tesco stores in the UK, and others around the world in the coming months.

Once Loop launches at your local store, you will be able to purchase products in Loop containers just like regular products, and then return the empty containers in-store next time you go shopping. 

The in-store Loop ‘corner’ at a Carrefour store in Paris. Source.

Loop will then collect the containers from the store, clean them, and return them to the brands to be refilled and reused; thereby closing the reusable packaging loop. 

Kind of similar to what we’re doing at Ozarka with our reusable takeout containers! 

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